
Contract Manufacturing + Packaging Resource Guide Profile

Print profile including company overview, contact info, and featured products.

Products that use these specs:

Contract Manufacturing + Packaging Resource Guide Profile


Character count WITH spaces: 1,450

2.25 x 2.1875
300 DPI

Company Logo
3.5 x 1.625
300 DPI

Mundo EXPO PACK Show Issue

Reach EXPO PACK attendees with the Mundo EXPO PACK Show issue containing company profiles with optional ads of various sizes.

Products that use these specs:

Mundo EXPO PACK Show Issue


(W x H - Inches)

Profile with Full Page Ad
Words: 481; Characters with no spaces: 2,862; Characters with spaces: 3,338

Full Page Ad Size:
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125
Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375

Profile with 1/2 Horizontal Ad
Words: 217; Characters with no spaces: 1,305; Characters with spaces: 1,515

1/2 Horizontal Ad Size:
Trim Size: 8.375 x 5.4375
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 5.6875
Safe Area: 7.875 x 4.9375

Profile with 1/2 Vertical Ad
Words: 206; Characters with no spaces: 1,207; Characters with spaces: 1,389

1/2 Vertical Ad Size:
Trim Size: 4.1875 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 4.4375 x 11.125
Safe Area: 3.6875 x 10.375

Profile with 1/3 Horizontal Ad
Words: 193; Characters with no spaces: 1,148; Characters with spaces: 1,335

1/3 Horizontal Ad Size:
Trim Size: 8.375 x 3.625
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 3.875
Safe Area: 7.875 x 3.125

Profile with 1/3 Vertical Ad
Words: 235; Characters with no spaces: 1,428 Characters with spaces: 1,657

1/3 Vertical Ad Size:
Trim Size: 2.80 x 10.87
5Bleed Dimensions: 3.05 x 11.125
Safe Area: 2.30 x 10.375

Fractional Ads Note: A fractional ad within a profile one-page unit will be placed in the profile's safe area and is not affected by the issue trim. Upload a 300 DPI CMYK JPEG of your fractional ad to the SendMy Ad Portal at the exact dimensions noted. Do not include bleed or crop marks.Select the “Fit Image to Frame” option which will proportionally scale your ad to fit the one-page profile unit.

Full-Page Ad Note: Upload a high-resolution PDF with bleed and ensure adherence to trim, bleed, and safe area specifications. Save the ad in CMYK color mode without anyPantone spot colors to ensure accurate reproduction in print. Non-compliant ads may not display as intended when printed.

Facilities and Infrastructure Directory

Reach PACK EXPO attendees planning a plant expansion with a featured listing in this directory highlighting exhibitors who provide services in building infrastructure, plant operations and maintenance, utilities and ventilation, and design/build and engineering.

Products that use these specs:

Facilities and Infrastructure Directory


Company Listing

  • Company Logo: High-res, color
  • Image: High-res, color, 2in x 2in
  • PACK EXPO booth number
  • Website URL
  • Headline
  • Body copy: 65 words, including spaces

Full-Page Ad (included with bundle)
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125
Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375

OEM Insider

Reach OEMs exhibiting at PACK EXPO in this directory featuring controls and component exhibitors.

Products that use these specs:

OEM Insider


Enhanced Listing:

Headine- 52 characters with spaces

Body copy- 70 characters with spaces

Featured product section- 30 characters with spaces

Logo- 1.541 x 1.7483

Booth #- Enter booth information

Primary Image- 1.541 x 1.7483

Secondary Image- 1.541 x 1.7483

Tertiary Image- 1.541 x 1.7483

Basic Listing:

Headine- 35 characters with spaces

Body copy- 70 characters with spaces

Featured product section- 30 characters with spaces

Logo- 1.541 x 0.8741

Booth #- Enter booth information

Primary Image- 1.541 x 1.7483

OEM Product Reference Guide

Target OEMs by advertising in our annual guide showcasing a directory of components and controls suppliers. This guide is mailed to 15,000 subscribers with the winter issue of OEM magazine.

Products that use these specs:

OEM Product Reference Guide


Profile Specs
1.75  x 1.75

1.75 x 1.33

Company profile text: 400 characters
Product headline: 60 characters
Product name: 60 characters
Product description: 340 characters

Full Page Ad
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125
Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375

Note: Ensure your ad meets trim, bleed, and safe area specifications, uses high-resolution images, and is saved in CMYK color mode (without Pantone spot colors) for accurate print reproduction. Non-compliant ads may not display as intended when printed.

Annual Resource Guide

The Annual Resource Guide profiles participating suppliers and includes a product directory. It is mailed with the November/December issue of Packaging World.

Products that use these specs:

Annual Resource Guide


Print Profile

  • Three Images: 2.25 x 2.25
  • Company Logo: 3.5 x 1.625
  • Company Description: 2000 characters, including spaces

Product Ad

  • Product Image: 1.875 x 1.333
  • Company Logo: 1.847 x .444
  • Product Headline: 65 characters, including spaces
  • Product Description: 245 characters, including spaces

Full Page

  • Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
  • Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125
  • Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375


This PACK EXPO exhibitor guide features one or two-page profiles and is mailed to registered PACK EXPO attendees and distributed at the show.

Products that use these specs:

PACK EXPO Southeast


Profile Page General Specs

Company Logo and Images:
2.75 x 2
300 DPI

Profile Page Ad Sizes and Company Descriptions

Full Page:

(W x H - Inches)

Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875

Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125

Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375

Fractional Ad Specs - 2023 Showcases and Beyond

(W x H - Inches)

  • 1/2 Horizontal: Trim Size: 8.375 x 5.4375
  • 1/2 Vertical: Trim Size: 4.1875 x 10.875
  • 1/3 Horizontal: Trim Size: 8.375 x 3.625
  • 1/3 Vertical: Trim Size: 2.80 x 10.875

Show Daily

This PACK EXPO publication features news on product demos, educational sessions, and events happening each day of the show.

Products that use these specs:

Show Daily


Full Spread
Trim Size- 21.00 x 13.75
Bleed- 21.25 x 14.00
Safe Area: 20.50 x 13.25

Full Page
Trim Size- 10.50 x 13.75
Bleed- 10.75 x 14.00
Safe Area: 10.00 x 13.25

1/2 Horizontal
Trim Size- 9.25 x 6.00
Bleed- 9.50 x 6.25
Safe Area: 8.75 x 5.50

1/2 Vertical
Trim Size- 4.50 x 12.50
Bleed- 4.75 x 12.75
Safe Area: 4.00 x 12.00

1/2 Island
Trim Size- 6.125 x 9.00
Bleed- 6.375 x 9.25
Safe Area: 5.625 x 8.50

1/3 Horizontal
Trim Size- 9.25 x 3.75
Bleed- 9.50 x 4.0
Safe Area: 8.75 x 3.25

1/3 Vertical
Trim Size- 3.0 x 12.50
Bleed- 3.25 x 12.75
Safe Area: 2.50 x 12.00

1/4 Square
Trim Size- 4.50 x 6.25
Bleed- 4.75 x 6.50
Safe Area: 4.00 x 5.75

NOTE: All fractional ads will be placed as float ads. The trim size noted is the exact size that the ad will occupy on the page.

Second Look

This post-show guide highlights featured exhibitors based on personalized attendee product category interest.

Products that use these specs:

Second Look


Please submit the items indicated below.

  • Full Page Specs - Trim Size 8.50 x 11.00 (W x H - Inches) - Bleed Dimensions ((W x H - Inches) 8.75 x 11.25 - Safe Area (W x H - Inches) 8.00 x 10.50
  • Product Category
  • Company Name
  • Years in Business
  • Number of Employees
  • Product Image (Up to four) - Min. 300 dpi and 7:5 ratio
  • Product Title (Up to four) -
  • Technical Specs (Up to four)
  • Product Description (Up to four) - Up to five lines of text each (400 characters max., including spaces)
  • Product URL (Up to four) -  (Note: Product URLs will be displayed as Personalized URLs for tracking)
  • Company Logo
  • Company Description - Up to five lines of text (400 characters max., including spaces)
  • Company city, state, and phone
  • Personalized messages
  • Message to booth visitors - Up to two lines of text (180 characters max., including spaces) Sample: "Thanks for visiting our booth! Please contact us for a quote tailored to your application and budget."
  • Message to non-booth visitors - Up to two lines of text (180 characters max., including spaces) Sample: "John - Let us assist you with your packaging applications. Call or visit us online for more information."

Game Plan - Sustainability Finder

Promote your sustainability-focused products in a special section within the Game Plan print edition and on the sustainability finder website. Limited listings available.

Products that use these specs:

Game Plan Sustainability Finder


(W x H - Inches)

Full Page:

Trim Size: 8.50 x 11
Bleed Dimensions: 8.75 x 11.25
Safe Area: 8.00 x 10.50

Company Logo:

Maximum Size: 4.00 x 4.00
300 DPI

Machinery and/or Materials Product Image:

Aspect Ratio: 3.00 x 2.00
300 DPI

  • Booth Number - Character count: 9
  • Headline: 40 characters including spaces
  • Body: 346 characters including spaces
  • Website URL: 40 characters

Game Plan

Game Plan is a personalized booth itinerary for PACK EXPO attendees, customized based on the product categories they're investigating at the show.

Products that use these specs:

Game Plan


Headline Maximum Characters: 35 including spaces

Descriptions Maximum Characters: 120 including spaces

NOTE: Depending on the character, maximum count could vary. Text including more wider characters...m, w, etc....will fit less characters than the specified maximum. Text including more narrow characters...i, l, etc....will fit more characters than the specified maximum.

Logo Specs:
Minimum dimensions: 2" wide x 2" high
Aspect ratio: 1:1Formats: jpg, png
Resolution: 175 dpi or greater

Product Image Specs:
Minimum dimensions: 4" wide x 2" high
Aspect ratio: 2:1Formats: jpg, png
Resolution: 175 dpi or greater

Full Page Cover Ad Specs:
Bleed dimensions: 8.75" x 11.25"
Trim size: 8.5" x 11"Safe area: 8" x 10.5"

Women in Packaging & Processing Supplement

The Women in Packaging supplement is published with both Packaging World and ProFood World and profiles women executives at supplier and CPG companies who go the extra mile to set their company up for success.

Products that use these specs:

Women in Packaging Supplement


Interview Questions for Profile:

Suggested Length: 3 to 5 sentences per question.

  • What is your name and position? How long have you been in this role?
  • How did you get into the packaging/processing industry and what attracted you to it?
  • What are some of the challenges that you have faced as a female in a male-dominated industry?
  • What has been the most important skill you’ve developed as you advanced your career?
  • Has there been a person in your life who has inspired or mentored you? How has that impacted you?
  • For young professionals looking at future career paths, describe your position - what does a typical workday look like in your role?
  • What advice would you give to young women who are considering a career in packaging or processing?

Company Information Required:

Character Count Limit: 670 Characters (with spaces)

  • Company Name
  • Company Mission Statement
  • Headquarter Location
  • Leadership- Example leadership positions: Founder, Owner, CEO, COO, and/or Sales Director
  • Annual Revenue
  • Employee Count Ranges
  • Facility Size (sq. ft.)
  • Markets Served- Example markets served: Global, North America, South America, Europe, etc.
  • Industries- Example Industries: Food/Beverage, Medical, Personal Care, Construction, etc.
  • Product Offerings- Example: Form-Fill-Seal Machines, Labeling Machines, etc.

Additional Materials:

Headshot of woman in profile

  • File Type: .jpg
  • 300dpi at 4.5 x 6

Company Logo

  • File Type: .jpg or .png
  • 300dpi at 4.5 x 6

The Women in Packaging supplement to Packaging World is limited to profiles and full-page cover advertising only.

Non-Standard Print

Create brand awareness when you place a full-page or fractional ad in a PMMI Media Group publication.

Products that use these specs:

Contract Manufacturing + Packaging
Healthcare Packaging Magazine


Two Page Spread

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 16.0 x 10.5

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 16.25 x 10.75

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 15.5 x 10.0

Full Page (Includes Cover Tip On)

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 8.0 x 10.5

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 8.25 x 10.75

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 7.5 x 10.0

1/2 Vertical

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 4.25 x 10.5

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 4.5 x 10.75

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 3.75 x 10.0

1/2 Horizontal

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 8.0 x 5.25

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 8.25 x 5.5

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 7.5 x 4.75

1/3 Vertical

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 2.875 x 10.5

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 3.125 x 10.75

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 2.375 x 10.0

1/3 Horizontal

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 8.0 x 3.625

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 8.25 x 3.875

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 7.5 x 3.125

Cover Corner Cut (Triangle - Upper Right)

Trim Size (W x H - Inches) - 2.125 x 2.125

Bleed Dimensions (W x H - Inches) - 2.375 x 2.375

Safe Area (W x H - Inches) - 1.875 x 1.875"

Standard Print

Create brand awareness when you place a full-page or fractional ad in a PMMI Media Group publication.

Products that use these specs:

Craft Brew Supplement
Packaging World Magazine
ProFood World Magazine
OEM Magazine
Leaders Program


(W x H - Inches)

Two Page Spread
Trim Size: 16.75 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 17.00 x 11.125
Safe Area: 16.25 x 10.375

Full Page
Trim Size: 8.375 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 11.125
Safe Area: 7.875 x 10.375

1/2 Horizontal
Trim Size: 8.375 x 5.4375
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 5.6875
Safe Area: 7.875 x 4.9375

1/2 Vertical
Trim Size: 4.1875 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 4.4375 x 11.125
Safe Area: 3.6875 x 10.375

1/3 Horizontal
Trim Size: 8.375 x 3.625
Bleed Dimensions: 8.625 x 3.875
Safe Area: 7.875 x 3.125

1/3 Vertical
Trim Size: 2.80 x 10.875
Bleed Dimensions: 3.05 x 11.125
Safe Area: 2.30 x 10.375

Note: Adhering to trim,bleed, and safe area specifications, as well as ensuring all images containedwithin your ad are of high-resolution, and that the ad is saved in CMYK colormode without the inclusion of any Pantone spot colors, is critical to theaccurate reproduction of your ad in print. Any ads submitted that do not meetALL specifications will print as supplied and may not display as intended.